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Challenges of Offshore Power Transmission

18th March 2021 @ 11:00-13:00

The power generated offshore is typically transported via subsea power cables with installation often being expensive and fraught with risk. Once laid the cables remain at risk from scour leading to suspension or burial and anchor drag. With larger offshore wind arrays (GW farms), offshore transmission networks become an increasing R&D challenge and the choice of power cable rating, transformer requirements as well as cost effective installation and O&M need to be carefully integrated in the farm design. 

The next in the series of Marine-i Discovery Rooms will look at how these issues are addressed through network design and testing as well as the practicalities of installation. 

The key note presentation will be given by Joe Hulm from Renewable Risk Advisers who will provide an overview of the market from an insurance underwriter’s perspective and explain why cables are regarded as the number one risk for offshore renewable systems.

View the event here