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Marine-I Discovery Room: High Frequency Radar Event

16th October 2018 @ 09:00-16:00

 The Marine-I Discovery Room: High Frequency (HF) Radar Event will focus on the launch of the University of Plymouth’s web visualisation tool and highlight the capabilities of the integrated system of data collection and dissemination. This web tool will allow users to access the historic and current data from the University’s HF radar station, through defining the geographical area and date range of interest.


Draft Agenda

Times Details

09.00-09.30 Registration & Coffee

09.30-09.50 Welcome & Marine-I Programme overview

09.50-10.10 Introduction to the Event

10.10-10.50 The University of Plymouth HF Radar facility and capability

10.50-11.20 Morning Break & Coffee

11.20-12.00 The web visualisation portal

12.00-12.40 Wider uses of HF Radar worldwide

12.40-13.40 Lunch & Networking

13.40-14.20 Maritime situational awareness; how can HF radar be used to complement other systems?

14.20-15.00 Breakout discussion groups and beta tool feedback

15.00-15.40 Feedback from discussions

15.40-16.00 Summary and Close